Travel and Directions to Loch Lomond
Travel and Maps for Loch Lomond
For on line directions from the Automobile Association (AA)
For direct link to Loch Lomond with Street Map
For direct link to Loch Lomond with Multimap
Weather Forecast from the BBC for the Loch Lomond area.
Travel Information and Road Directions to Loch Lomond
From south west of England and south Wales.
You will be using the M5 up to Birmingham and then join the M6. Stay on the M6 all the way north past Preston, Lancaster, Carlisle, then on the same road the A74 which later becomes the M74. At Junction 4 stay on M74 west and a few miles further continue west on to M8 towards Glasgow Airport. Stay on the M8 past the Airport west of Glasgow. At Junction 30 take slip for Erskine Bridge. At end of the bridge take left slip towards direction of Dumbarton. As you pass petrol stations on both sides of the road stay on A 82 to Loch Lomond veering right at the lights. Then there is set of lights, then two roundabouts not far apart, keep straight ahead then to next roundabout (which has massive scultures in it) after long stretch, then right at this roundabout towards Balloch, then second left (ie straight ahead) at two roundabouts and then A811 towards Drymen. (You may wish to food shop in Balloch – Co-op in Balloch at second roundabout on the A811 take left and just on left). Go through Drymen (signed left off main road) and take first left to Balmaha. Go through Balmaha for another 6 miles – you’ll pass through Milton of Buchannan (this road feels as if it a bit longer first time as it a bit windy). You will see the lodges on the left just before the Rowardennan Hotel and entry is through barrier on left.
From south and middle England.
You will be using the M40 up to south of Birmingham, then east over to the M5 and then join the M6 north of Birmingham. if you use the M1 then at Junction 19 go east on M6. Stay on the M6 all the way north past Preston, Lancaster, Carlisle, then on the same road the A74 which later becomes the M74. At Junction 4 stay on M74 west and a few miles further continue west on to M8 towards Glasgow Airport. Stay on the M8 past the Airport west of Glasgow. At Junction 30 take slip for Erskine Bridge. At end of the bridge take left slip towards direction of Dumbarton. As you pass petrol stations on both sides of the road stay on A 82 to Loch Lomond veering right at the lights. Then there is set of lights, then two roundabouts not far apart, keep straight ahead then to next roundabout (which has massive scultures in it) after long stretch, then right at this roundabout towards Balloch, then second left (ie straight ahead) at two roundabouts and then A811 towards Drymen. (You may wish to food shop in Balloch – Co-op in Balloch at second roundabout on the A811 take left and just on left). Go through Drymen (signed left off main road) and take first left to Balmaha. Go through Balmaha for another 6 miles – you’ll pass through Milton of Buchannan (this road feels as if it a bit longer first time as it a bit windy). You will see the lodges on the left just before the Rowardennan Hotel and entry is through barrier on left.
From south east England and London.
My view is that it is better to use the M40 or M1 and head onto the M 6 north towards Preston. – then follow as above.
From Norfolk and east England. The A1 and M1 is the main route north. At Scotch Corner take the A 66 west towards Penrith, then turn north onto the M6 towards Carlisle and follow as above (from south west England). You can continue on the A/M1 but it is a busy road and it a much longer way round via Edinburgh.
From Edinburgh.
Use the M9 west towards Stirling. As you pass Stirling (Castle on your right) take left slip road at Junction 10 signed for Callander and Loch Lomond. Take right at immediate roundabout, back over the motorway and follow signs for Loch Lomond and A811. You will go back again over the motorway. Head on to Drymen and in Drymen take right turn signposted to Balmaha and follow as above (from south west England)
From Glasgow and south
Stay on the M8 past the Airport west of Glasgow. At Junction 30 take slip for Erskine Bridge. At end of the bridge take left slip towards direction of Dumbarton. As you pass petrol stations on both sides of the road stay on A 82 to Loch Lomond veering right at the lights. Then there is set of lights, then two roundabouts not far apart, keep straight ahead then to next roundabout (which has massive scultures in it) after long stretch, then right at this roundabout towards Balloch, then second left (ie straight ahead) at two roundabouts and then A811 towards Drymen. (You may wish to food shop in Balloch – Co-op in Balloch at second roundabout on the A811 take left and just on left). Go through Drymen (signed left off main road) and take first left to Balmaha. Go through Balmaha for another 6 miles – you’ll pass through Milton of Buchannan (this road feels as if it a bit longer first time as it a bit windy). You will see the lodges on the left just before the Rowardennan Hotel and entry is through barrier on left.
From east Scotland and the north.
Head towards Perth and the A9 past Auchterarder. Turn off at Junction 10, left towards Stirling (but don’t go to) and follow signs for Loch Lomond on A811 and follow as above (from Edinburgh)